Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Blogging about Twitter.  Ten years ago that phrase wouldn't have made sense.  Now, well, there's no need to explain it unless you live in a place that is digitally deprived or digitally denied or digitally depressed.  Many, in fact, do live in parts of towns that have fallen into the digital divide.  Sort of like living in a grand canyon where not many people have access to the internet.  (There's a chunk of area in Los Angeles like that, by the way.)  Anyway, some of my Twitter followers have abandoned me.  Oh, I shouldn't say abandoned. Abandoned sounds too psychologically damaging.  I'll just sigh instead which, according to Chinese Medicine, means my kidney energy is stagnating or blocked or something like that.  But actually I don't sigh very often.  My liver is the organ I need to be more concerned about, being careful not to let the energy stagnant there.

Anyway, so I tweet things that apparently some people don't care for.  Perhaps I upset people with my politics or my sense of humor.  I just see how screwy many things are, and I like to point them out.  I also like to point out non-screwy things like Nissan's Leaf in my previous post.  Nothing wrong with not wanting to use gasoline, right?  So where are the people who are entertained by radical ideas, dangerous ideas, or downright logical ideas?  For instance, we can't have everything.  Pretty obvious, right?  Limits are imposed upon us, and we freak out.  Why?  Oh, yes.  The American Dream tells us we can have it all.  In fact, many of us believe we're entitled to have it all.  But does The American Dream really say that?  The stereotypical American Dream used to be to own a single family house with a white picket fence around the perimeter of the property that keeps strangers out and keeps the dog and kids within.  It says we can have a couple of cars in the garage too.  Probably gasoline powered cars.  What is The American Dream now?  But I digress, again.

Where did my Twitter Followers go?  What do they want to hear?  I'm an optimistic person, and I also have eyes and ears and a brain.  I question, and I wonder.  I care about the future, and I don't even have children.  However, I'm trying to be patient because we're in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, and transitions can be difficult.  Blogs and Twitter are helping us become more Aquarian, and I think that's a good thing because if World Peace is ever possible, it will come about during the Aquarian Age.

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